Monday, October 1, 2012

Charity vs Political Action: My Good Neighbors and the Mormon Church in 2008

In 2008 our kindest neighbors were subjected to such intimidation from pro Prop 8 pressures that they put their house on the market and moved as soon as it was sold.

We did not know in 2008 that the Mormon Church had spent many millions (22 million? more?--it's hard to tell from the many articles on Google, but more than the originally reported two thousand).

Now, the Mormon Church has a tax exemption, the articles say, under IRS 501(c)(3).

In 2008, the Mormon Church functioned as a political action force, and is credited by every authority on the subject with bringing about the passage of Prop 8 which restricted marriage to between a man and a woman, banning new same sex marriages.

All the Cable News outlets now talk about how generous Mitt Romney has been--how he gives millions to his church.

I would love to see Romney's  tax returns for 2008 to see if he responded to the special requirements of the Mormon Church that year.

If Romney gave 3 or 4 or 5 million to the Mormon Church that year, what percentage of credit does he deserve for the passage of Prop 8 and our loss of our good neighbors.

Charity or political action disguised as charity?

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