Saturday, June 10, 2017

People say they have had a "BOUT" of or with sciatica

I don't think there's a real contest. Sciatica wins!
But so far since it started it's been recurrent with a space of two or three years. At my age, that's encouraging. Get enough two or three years intervals and that's taken care of.
Today I talked to 66 year old Bruce, who was running up from the beach through the very deep sand. He absolutely agreed when I told him I had gone to the beach every day rather than lying down hoping the pain would stop.
The first bout was from weeks of 12 or 14 days at the computer on an index rarely standing up. Turns out a lot of people were sitting too long at a time. I know what caused this one--sitting 7 weeks on the swivel stool proofreading, which meant leaning forward and clutching white cards in each hand. At least I had great lighting. I did get up frequently and move around, but the position was awkward. The good thing is that I won't have to devote 7 weeks to anything like that again. Now I really can spend time learning what was wrong with hanging Tories.
I don't understand how sciatica goes away. I guess it's just getting the nerve unpinched. Stay that way please, three or four years. I acknowledge your power, and continue the little floor exercises. I have been very faithful the least years, every other day, even this last 2 weeks. Goodbye, please.

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