Friday, December 8, 2017

Another cousin besides Jim Bowie slain at the Alamo--Jake Derst or Darst

Now, this was from Geni which normally gives phony relations running through the highest reaches of British nobility, but this one I could check and it was right.

Abraham Derst is Hershel Parker's fifth great uncle's son's wife's first cousin's husband's grandfather!

Lois, Lois, where are you? There has to be a simpler way of defining relationship? This is Geni, which normally gives phony relationships all mediated by British royalty but this one is right. What was I doing with Jake Darst (with an a)? Why, after finding that Jim Bowie was a Pottenger cousin I decided to check all the martyrs for Texas liberty to see how many of them were cousins. The astonishing thing is how many of them came out of nowhere and despite all the research are without known fathers or grandfathers.

Now, there has to be a better way of stating the cousinship.

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